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AweSun Help Center

  • Secure Unattended Access

    AweSun supports secure unattended access to a remote computer. You can conveniently connect to an unattended remote computer without worrying about security issues.

    Easy Access

    AweSun’s easy access option enables you to connect to a remote device without password. To do this, the remote device must be assigned to your current AweSun Account. Devices under the same AweSun account can achieve safe and fast connections only through one click.

    Unattended Access

    This option allows you to set a password which can be used to enable access to your devices without local confirmation.

    • System Password: by selecting this option, your device can be remotely accessed with your System Account and System Password.

    • Independent Password: your device can be remotely accessed with the independent password you set.

    To use this feature, go to the Menu Bar > “Options” > ”Remote Control” > “Access Options”.